Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thank You!!

A big thank you to all people that came out for the Open House. It was a big success and Chad and I were very proud and excited to show off our new domain. For those of you that didn't make it, give us a call and you can stop by any time!

Monday, May 19, 2008

We are functioning!!

The footing is in! I rode the first horse in the indoor just after lunch today, and it felt good!

Meredith rode also, cool!!! I will post more tomorrow, it is now time to celebrate....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happily reporting...

Hello to everyone,
So sorry to have taken such a long break from posting, but the projects remaining several weeks ago seemed so overwhelming that I could not tolerate taking any pictures. All I could see was what was NOT finished, but I know all of you wanted to see what WAS finished. So, I chose the selfish and psyche-preserving road and did not document! However, significant projects have been finished now and I feel much better about publishing now.

Here are three views very similar to the pictures in the last post
These pictures were all taken Tuesday morning. The arena has since been compacted and watered. The sand and rubber are ready for installation once the gravel base layer is deemed "perfect".
The grooming stations are framed in with the exception of one wall that must get a partial wall between the wash stall and the grooming stalls. The will have rubber mats on them and lights.

The stalls are completely finished and only need lights over them and gravel in the walkways.

Here is the princess in the tackroom, which is mostly finished. There are a few more panels to purchase and hang, and then we will be ready for saddle racks.

As you can see, things are moving along. We are planning a simple Open House on Sunday, June 1 from 1-4 pm. This is simply a walk through and see it kind of deal and everyone is invited. Please invite any friends or family that may be interested. For all of my students---- please plan on joining us for most of the afternoon. I am asking that you all play host to the people you invite and show of your new barn!! I will be sending out some invitations, and if anyone needs directions please email me. See you soon!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

I can see clearly now...

..rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way! And there are many!!

The main contractor has moved on to a new project so we are left with doing many of the finishing touches ourselves. Concrete should be poured early this week for the tack room, grooming stalls, lounge, and patio. I will hopefully get the grit rock necessary for the arena within the next couple days.
The pictures show the stalls (which are the most beautiful things ever!!) the arena and the tackroom. Cool huh??

Friday, April 11, 2008

And now for the details.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, our wait is almost over. All major construction is complete. Now we have to build the stalls, tack room, lounge, arena walls, put the footing in, pour the rest of the concrete, run the gutters, get the electric and plumbing done, and then we are done!!!!

Here is my "post forest" where the stalls are going to be. We are waiting on the thicker rough cut lumber to do the back and side walls of the stalls.

Do you think the horses would mind dodging piles of lumber? Here is the arena as it is today. We still have a little way to go, but the end is in sight now. Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008



We have come a long way in a year and we have a lot to show for it!

I would like to thank everyone for being so supportive through the good times and the extremely slow times. This has been a windy road but it is so worth it!!

Pictures tomorrow.


Friday, April 4, 2008

Doors and More!

Elvis fans, sing it with me: In the cold Kentucky rai-yay-yay-yay-yain! Maybe we should be building an arc instead of a barn!!! Fortunately the weather inside the barn is quite dry, so work has progressed steadily all week. We have all the sliding doors installed, rough cut lumber between the arena and the storage area/tack room, concrete boundaries set, post holes for stall posts, and dirt work in the arena > 80% done. Whew!!!!
We also have identified the new Mascot for Blue Moon Stables.........
The Blue Moon Stables Zebra!!!!!! MEREDITH