Work on the barn resumed briefly last Monday and then the rain for the history books started in that night. Here in Geneva we had between 8 and 9 inches in a 36 hour period. Everyone in the tri-state area had torrential rains and severe flooding. Fortunately, our farm is elevated above the flood plains here and does not have standing flood waters. It was just VERY miserable for man and beast here. The new building filled up with water again but this time it did not stay very long. The contractor and Chad had done some dirt work to maximize drainage away from the building, and also the ground is not frozen any longer - that was part of our problem earlier.
The picture above is the road leading to our house on Saturday. The Ohio River was above flood stage and we get "wet" like this from time to time. It never was too deep to drive a truck though and it has already receded from the road. We have had quite a tormenting 3 months weatherwise, and we all hope it is going to get back to normal (whatever that is!!) soon.
The holiday weekend pushed the next work day to yesterday (Monday) and it continued today. The picture shows the WONDERFUL progress outside my back door!! You can imagine the mood change around here when there is a leap in scenery like that!!!
It looks more like a barn now, don't you think? The west side of the barn is the only side that is not started and I assume they will get it going tomorrow. Once that is done, we can start dirt work in the arena. Yipppeeeeee!!!!!!!
That is all for now, I will update daily if it is warranted, so check back soon. I love reading the comments!!! I hope everyone is well and enjoying the rejuvenating effects of Spring as much as we are.
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